Total Supply: 100 billion KITTY tokens
Initial Supply: 50 billion KITTY tokens
Token Allocation:
Liquidity Pool: 20% (20 billion KITTY) for initial trading stability.
Staking Rewards: 25% (25 billion KITTY) to incentivize long-term holding.
Community and Marketing: 20% (20 billion KITTY) to grow and engage the community.
Development Fund: 15% (15 billion KITTY) for future development and partnerships.
Team Allocation: 10% (10 billion KITTY) vested for team incentives.
Reserve: 10% (10 billion KITTY) for flexibility in future needs.
Optional Mechanisms:
Deflationary Burn: 0.5% burn per transaction to gradually reduce supply.
Token Redistribution: Redistribution of a small percentage to holders to reward loyalty.